Prize of Honour in Breeder Class
About us

We’re located in Malvik, just outside Trondheim, Norway.
The Dalemoor prefix was approved by FCI in 2005.
We’ve had shelties since 1999, and whippets from 2004 to 2015.
I’ve been an authorized ringsteward for the Norwegian Kennel Klub since 2007, and have taken NKKs cynology-course.

We aim to breed happy, healthy shelties.
Our dogs live with us as family dogs, and we occasionally show them at shows. The puppies born with us are well socialized with children, as we are a modern family with anywhere from 2 to 5 kids at home at any given time. They grow up in the living room, and we spend as much time as we can, and the weather allows, outside with them in the garden.

We only keep a couple of dogs at home to have enough time to care for them. Several of our dogs is co-owned with others who keep them as their own, but we have the breeding rights on them.​​
Our mascots are Nero the cat, and Fluffy the ball python (picture taken in 2017, she's alot bigger now), and we keep quail in the garden for eggs and meat.